Scholarship Entries

“Impact a Life” College Scholarship 2015 Essays


Thanks for visiting the 2015 “Impact a Life” scholarship essay portal. Our scholarship hopefuls have worked very hard to fullfill the challenge to the future leaders of America to provide creative solutions/ideas to serve their community, church, and service organizations through charitable acts of volunteerism.

You can find an essay by simply clicking on the name of the essay author (link above “Scholarship Entries”.)

This year three scholarships will be awarded in the amounts: $1,000, $600, and $400.

A significant part of the criteria for selecting a winner is social media participation.

We encourage you to “like” our Facebook page and “like” the wall posting featuring your favorite essays on both Facebook and Google+ (plus one button) as well as the rest of the social sites. Then encourage your friends to do likewise.

You will find a link to our blog at the bottom of each essay with easy “share” buttons.


Joshua Hunter

One morning you wake up, your head snaps off the pillow, and “BAM!”, this great idea to start a charity aimed at helping to feed the poor comes to mind. You call it “Feed the World” after that catchy 1984 song by Band Aid. You get cool T-shirts and all […]

Angela Giordano

“3…2…1…Pop!”, Dahlia announced over the microphone. All at once in the crowded room one after the next the raffle balloons began popping. Tiny tickets of paper inscribed with numbers floated down from the ceiling to the floor; retrieved by the purchaser—the key to their winnings. The unique part about this […]

Generate Promotional and Customer Loyalty Benefits by Utilizing a Raffle by Bobby Rodriguez

Generate Promotional and Customer Loyalty Benefits by Utilizing a Raffle  by Bobby Rodriguez   All sorts of companies, including those of retail and service, can generate promotional and customer loyalty benefits by utilizing a raffle for a marketing promotion.  Raffles create a buzz within a business. When someone hears the […]

Macy Stuart Swift

In 2000, my grandfather died.  He had cancer, which eventually spread to his brain, and was inoperable.  I was two and a half years old when he died.  My family, although devastated by his loss, was determined to help others in this situation, and help those who were there for […]

Sharon Lin

Raffle sales have seen an increase in recent years. I have personally run several successful campaigns using profits and revenue generated from raffle sales for gift baskets, and it is evident that the most lucrative ways to generate donations is through word-of-mouth. By providing gifts that are seemingly worthwhile (such […]