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Utilize a Raffle in Your Marketing Efforts by Amber O Malley

Utilize a Raffle in Your Marketing Efforts by Amber O'Malley

Dеѕсrіbе how a buѕіnеѕѕ (іnсludіng rеtаіl аnd ѕеrvісе) can dеrіvе рrоmоtіоnаl аnd сuѕtоmеr lоуаltу/rеtеntіоn bеnеfіt bу utіlіzіng a raffle іn thеіr mаrkеtіng efforts.

According to oxforddictionaries.com, the word “raffle” is defined as “a means of raising money by selling numbered tickets, one or some of which are subsequently drawn at random, the holder or holders of such tickets winning a prize”. I believe that a “business” can derive or obtain promotional and customer loyalty/retention benefit by utilizing a raffle in their marketing efforts. Let me tell you why.

First of all, depending on the state’s regulations, most states require that the proceeds from the raffles go to charities unless its lottery related. Most of the items from the raffle drawings are in fact donated items. So if a “business” decided to use a raffle to gain more business, then they could use their own products to donate. In the marketing aspect, this is a wise decision.

Marketing is a process involved in promoting and selling a product. One way that one can sell a product is by the consumer’s word of mouth. For example, if someone tells me that they have personally tried a product and didn’t like it, I won’t have an urge to buy that product. However, if someone tells me that they used a product and loved it, then I may be intrigued to purchase that product. In fact for a charity raffle, the word of mouth can go a long way.

If someone told me that they entered a raffle and it was for a good cause, then I too may want to enter in that raffle. Even if I didn’t win I know that my money was used for a better purpose. If the proceeds from the raffle are indeed going to charity, it can intrigue charitable consumers to purchase products from that business. This would increase revenue for that “business”. The customers will then have a loyalty to that company because they believe that that company does more than just sell products and that they donate to good causes. This leads to name recognition for that company. Which then opens the company up to other business and media alliances. The media would then help with promoting the company with a positive image while also providing free advertising. 

On another note, even if one is not charitable they would also be interested in entering a raffle. Allow me to explain. From my experiences, there are two types of people in the consumer world. One that is willing to spend money to get what they want, and the other that won’t spend money even if they want something. I will call them the “spender” and the “saver”. I believe that by having a raffle it will gain the interest of both the “spenders” and the “savers”. Now the “spender” would be interested in purchasing a raffle ticket because they might see something they want and will spend the money on a raffle ticket to get it. The “saver” might be interested in purchasing a raffle ticket because they have a chance to get something they want and don’t have to pay full price for it. Either way it’s a win/win for the company.

I believe that a “business” can derive or obtain promotional and customer loyalty/retention benefit by utilizing a raffle in their marketing efforts because not only does it bring in the charitable consumers, it also intriques the “spenders” and the “savers” to join in too.


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Contributed by Amber O'Malley