Thinking Outside the Box For Your Next Fundraiser by BreAnna Vinson

Thinking Outside the Box For Your Next Fundraiser by BreAnna Vinson


Although the name nonprofit comes with the stigma that these organizations don’t need money, the truth is that they do. Many nonprofit organizations struggle to stay afloat because they lack monetary resources necessary to cover expenses and execute plans they have to give back to society. While only a few NPOs are known worldwide and have no problem raising funds, many small and local NPOs struggle with collecting money for large scale projects or just to pay monthly expenses. Raffle fundraisers can benefit nonprofit organizations because they allow for these establishments to create a relationship with the local population and receive individual and corporate donations while at the same time creating a lively and open atmosphere.

            For nonprofit organizations to make money, they have to think outside the box. Raffle fundraisers can be prosperous because they are creative and allow the organization to get in contact with the community, host an event that is inexpensive, and recruit volunteers that in the future can be called upon again. Volunteers are the key to success because they are able to cover more area and spread the word about the fundraiser. They can go door to door soliciting raffles, make proposals to large groups that can possibly join in and sponsor prizes and other needed materials, and can reach out to their family and friends. Any type of marketing and publicity is essential because what attracts people the most is the chance to win a prize and donate to a good cause. The key to motivating volunteers to go out and sell is to choose people who hold the mission of the NPO close to their hearts. Also, another way to motivate volunteers is by allowing them to receive a certain amount of free tickets where they can enter in to win a prize based on the amount of tickets they sell.

            To make the fundraiser more appealing to the public, there has to be incentives available. Prizes can range from giving out a gift basket or receiving a free trip somewhere. The main goal of the organization hosting the fundraiser is to make the event more fun and inviting to the surrounding community. If the company was to create prizes based off of the needs of the surrounding area and align it up with the services of the NPO, they will be successful in having a high turnout.

            The raffle ticket fundraiser will allow for more individual and corporate donations because these people can either sponsor the event or buy tickets. If the volunteers talk to the public, there is a higher chance that many people will buy the tickets and also give an additional donation directly to the NPO. Furthermore, different businesses whether it be local or big, can sponsor the event by giving different prizes, supplying the food, or venue where the main event will be held. Relationships can be made between the NPO, businesses and individuals which in the long run will be helpful.

These fundraisers will not only help the NPO, but allow them to reach more people. Even though not everyone would buy the raffle tickets, the name and mission of the NPO will spread to many people, businesses, and communities. Furthermore, getting volunteers closer to the mission of the nonprofit organization will make them strive harder to sell raffle tickets which will contribute to the overall success of the fundraiser.

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Contributed by Bre'Anna Vinson

October 16, 2015