Raffles Can Be a Vital Promotional Tool For Your Business by Jaque Gochett

Raffles Can Be a Vital Promotional Tool For Your Business by Jaque Gochett


Raffles can be a vital promotional tool for a business. Businesses can use raffles to draw new customers and to entice existing customers to continue to shop at the business. There are several types of raffles that a business can use for promotional purposes. One is an in store raffle; an instore raffle can be used to draw attention to an item by attracting existing customers to a display or demonstration. Raffles can be mailed out to targeted demographics to lure these potential customers to the store.

The best way for the raffle to be effective is to have a “must be present to win” clause on the contest. This will ensure the potential winners will have to physically visit the location. Let’s use the example of a fictitious television raffle. The targeted demographics will receive a raffle ticket by mail informing them that “this Saturday at noon a 50 inch television will be raffled off. A promotion like this gives important marketing information to the business. It shows if the mailer that was used is successful at reaching their targeted demographics. It also shows how much interest their targeted demographics have in that particular item. The day of the raffle there should be other televisions on display for sale. These televisions may be marked down or discounted for a one day only sale.

Another way a raffle can be used to attract business is a frequent shopper raffle. This is a raffle that the more times a customer shops at a store or location the more entries or chances they have to win the raffled item. This will build loyalty and retention among customers. In this day and age people want to feel they are receiving the maximum for the money they spend. This raffle will make them feel they are getting more for their money since each purchase comes with a chance to win a 50 inch television. This may even increase the amount of times a customer’s shops since they want to increase their chance of winning.

In some cases to enter a raffle the customer must fill out an entry form. This is a way for a business to gain great information about their customers and their customer’s needs. The entry form can ask for email addresses. Email addresses can then be entered into a data base for future promotions. Now the business has a direct line of communication to their customers. These entry forms (since they are filled out in store) can also inform the business on the demographics of who exactly is shopping in their store. This way they can tailor their marketing efforts to other demographics they are not reaching.

Raffles hold a lot of value to a business. It is a fun promotion that gets everyone involved. It is an excellent way to attract new customers and reward the customers who already patronize the business. Raffles can be used to gather demographical information about the customers who already shop and enjoy the business. They can also open up a line of communication between the business and the consumer.

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Contributed by Jaque Gochett

December 19, 2015