Raffle Fundraising the Easy Way by Kayla Flood

Raffle Fundraising the Easy Way by Kayla Flood


Non-profit organizations all over the world are increasing by the day. In order to have funds to progress and grow, organizations reach out for assistance. Raffle tickets are by far the easiest, most affordable and eye catching fundraisers. Raffles can be done in the comforts of one’s home, at a job site, with family reunions, in school and more. Recently, my family reunion coordinator organized a raffle using raffletickets.com. Each yeah we do multiple to raise funds to purchase items such as food, paper products and other supplies. Currently, I am doing raffle tickets with my fiancé’s family to raise money for our annual ALS walk in September. ALS is also known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Most people relay it to Lou Gherig’s disease which derived from the baseball player who passed away. My fiancé’s step dad lost his life to this no cure disease. Our goal is to raise three thousand dollars collectively as a group to raise awareness, continue research, and provide expenses to families who need it. In the next months to come, the Women’s Day Committee that I am coordinator over at my church will be doing a raffle to help assist with paying our multi-purpose annex building off that was built a few years ago.

Continuing on, non-profit organizations such as church groups and civic sports can benefit tremendously from using raffle tickets. The step by step process is easy for any age to understand. An applicable amount of time to advertise your goal amount is the key. The tear off stub attachment allows you to keep track of how many tickets are being sold. Without any extra paperwork such as advertising or promotional reminders that waste paper, the raffle tickets have an efficient amount of space to advertise your organization’s name, drawing dates, prizes, ticket amount and even a logo if you wish.

Next, there are a lot of ways to maximize tickets sales. One thing is to ensure you are giving your organization an adequate amount of time to advertise. One month can be plenty of time but it depends on the goal amount an organization has set. A goal for five hundred dollars may only need three to four weeks of getting the word out and collecting money. As for a higher goal such as one thousand dollars, advertising may need six to eight weeks. Another boost for sales would be to have a great prize. Cash seems to always be the winner. I’ve heard of cars being raffled off as well as vacation spots. Also, you have to reach out multiple age groups. The more diverse your audience is, the more appealing people will be to buying tickets and supporting the cause. Having prizes just for women may not be as eye-catching to men unless they are involving their wife or mother.

 Lastly, in order to have a great outcome, your committee of volunteers has to be involved one hundred percent. Without them pushing sales, the raffle can fail. One thing that could motivate volunteers would be to hold a competition within the raffle sales. The competition can be for a prize to the volunteer who sells the most tickets. If a participant doesn’t want to purchase a ticket, they are welcomed to donate to the organization. As an employer, I would even be excited about receiving the employee of the month parking space. A gift card to my favorite shopping center would get me motivated too. There are so many ideas to help push your team to success.

 In conclusion, raffle tickets are the number one idea to raising funds for any non-profit organization. With its easy instructions, fast delivery, and booming statistics on sales, any organization will benefit tremendously from it.


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Contributed by Kayla Flood