One Ticket One Chance by Ejay Mallard
One Ticket One Chance by Ejay Mallard
Fundraisers are exciting and enjoyable way to support nonprofit programs like school bands, teams, charity foundations, social welfare or advocacy organizations, professional or trade associations, and even religious organizations. One of the most rewarding and beneficial ways to organize a fundraiser is through the selling of raffle tickets. Raffle ticket fundraisers have been one of the leading routes to fundraising because they are successful drives for a variety of organizations. The costs are close to nothing, and only the number of tickets sold limits the proceeds. The raffle fundraiser works so well because a nonprofit organization can achieve high profit earnings, and if the prizes for your raffle drawing are donated, the only costs are the printing of the raffle tickets.
One of the most beneficial and fulfilling raffle fundraisers I’ve personally seen put on is the “Table Raffle”, in which donated items are set out on tables with jars in front of each. Ticket buyers place their raffle tickets in the jar in front of the prize they’d like to win. The beautiful thing about this raffle is the approach. In the event I witnessed, the hosts held a carnival and gave a raffle ticket to each attendee upon entry to the carnival. Every attendee had an equal opportunity to then win one of the donated items of their choice; from that thought alone, additional raffle tickets sold themselves. Attendees who were passionate about winning a specific item would purchase additional tickets priced at $10 and flood the jar with their names. The hosts of this event not only made money from the raffle, but from concessions and games, too. Winners of games at the carnival had the opportunity to receive a certain number of raffle tickets as their prize or regular store-bought toys – you can only imagine what they decided on. By the end of the night, jars were filled with thousands of those little red raffle ticket stubs, and I can just imagine the amount of money the hosts raised for their organization.
Another benefiting raffle my mother informed me her women evangelism religious group hosted was the 50-50 raffle. The 50-50 raffle is one of the simplest and easiest fundraisers you can do.. No pre-purchasing or donation of prizes is required. All you need are raffle tickets and then split the amount collected with the winner! 50% needs to get to the winner and 50% goes to organization’s cause. My mother said her evangelism group raised over $1,500 that was used in various components within our church. For the 50-50 raffle, all that is needed is one or more ticket sellers. Raffle tickets normally sell for a few bucks each, with an incentive for multiple purchases such as 3 tickets for the price of 2, or 5 tickets for the price of 4, etc. Using a price incentive for multiple tickets can often increase your total sales and builds a larger 'pot' to split with the lucky winner. All ticket stubs are enclosed in a hat or other container from which one lucky number is drawn. The beauty of this all is that this can be a held locally or even district wide. Tickets can be made available to sellers who then take them back to their residing areas and sell, sell, sell! There can then be directions on the raffle instructing buyers to register their name with their unique raffle number. Monthly, bi-weekly, or even once, a number can be drawn and the winner can be informed electronically, and if he/she does not claim the prize within a particular period of time, another number is drawn making the 50-50 raffle such a thrilling and nail-biting experience.
Raffling is a fun and exciting way to generate successful fundraisers. Whether it is the table rabble, 50-50 raffles or another different yet enjoyable approach, raffle fundraisers are a guaranteed way to heighten the success of any fundraiser. Participators will enjoy trading off funds to help non-profit organizations in exchange for this semi-gamble, nail-biting a fundraiser that they will find just as amazing as I do.
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Contributed by Ejay Mallard