Marketing Your Business With Raffle Tickets is a Great Fundraising Ploy by Kevin Smith

Marketing Your Business With Raffle Tickets is a Great Fundraising Ploy by Kevin Smith


There are a number of positive ways an entrepreneur can effectively create a successful and promising business despite its size. Small, mid-size, and large businesses alike have a common goal. The ultimate goal is to achieve financial stability; however, there are a few avenues that seem to go unnoticed when planning on this venture. We will discuss how positive exposure to a targeted audience is a key Public Relations tool, how marketing your business can be both exciting and less expensive through fundraiser events, creates a buzz by donating to certain organizations and health causes, and explain how raffles, fundraisers, and marketing are both related.

Although it has yet to be proven, the general belief of many small and large business owners is that a business is only as good as its product. However, in all actuality, a business is only half as good as its product. The other half of this goodness depends completely upon a great public relations (PR) team and creative thinkers. Getting a company's name, product, and service out to the public is quite an essential task. It involves some diligent work and sacrifice. Positive exposure to a targeted audience is needed to persuade the public, investors, partners, employees, and other stakeholders to both establish and maintain a certain clientele.

Marketing your business successfully requires some extensive planning. It almost always demands a consistent cash flow to support it. With that said, fundraising in the form of raffle tickets is a wonderful way to market your business without the hassle and use of an astronomical amount of money to pay for the public notice or announcement. Fundraisers are a reasonable and even toned way to communicate a product or service to customers with an attached benefit to the target audience. For example, if a television company can see the bigger picture, no pun intended, they would raffle off one of their finest TV sets in order to thrust their name and product into the wind and also donate a percentage of the purposed sales to the neighborhood church or help center. This will promote positive foot traffic as well as increasing product sales.

The number of raffle tickets required for the event should be carefully considered only after the desired goal amount has been determined and at what price should each ticket be sold. The hidden reality is to print the tickets and charge an amount that would allow the business owner to cover the cost of the prize television leaving a little extra to cover the donation incentive that was expressed in the appealing public relations pitch. The primary reasons to offer the donation aspect to the fundraiser is to obtain sponsors that may decide to help increase your sells, create awareness of the various community services that are offered to children and adults and develop admirers just by the buzz that will be introduced through your recognized caring heart and love for the community.

Marketing your business through the use of raffle tickets is a great fundraising ploy when it has been correctly set up. This process of communicating a product or service to customers is simply for the purpose of selling that product or service to obtain monetary satisfaction. Money makes raffles, fundraisers, and marketing kin folk. Financial gain is the essential success story business owners are looking forward to achieving. But in addition to obtaining wealth, the priority of the business owner should be to create a product or service that will exhibit some type of attractive element that would be strong enough to acquire projected sales without fail. There must exist a consistent demand for the product or service, otherwise, if there isn’t a significant demand for the product, then there isn’t a need to make the product.

Entrepreneurs can effectively create a successful and promising business despite their size. We have discussed in some detail how positive exposure to a targeted audience is a key PR tool, how marketing your business can be both exciting and less expensive through fundraiser events, shown how creating a buzz by donating to certain organizations and health causes can draw sponsors, and explained how raffles, fundraisers, and marketing are related.

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Contributed by Kevin Smith