How to Make Your Raffle a Sure Fire Hit by Kelcy Lancaster
How to Make Your Raffle a Sure Fire Hit by Kelcy Lancaster
Raffle fundraisers can be very successful for a variety of reasons. Nonprofit organizations can best derive benefit with a raffle by advertising anywhere possible grocery stores, local restaurants, convenience stores, flower shops, car dealerships, gas stations, and the local newspaper, and these are just a few examples of where you could possibly advertise.
Presently more and more people are getting involved in the social media life whether its Instagram, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, or Snapchat. Getting the information about the raffle on these sites will help in getting the word out about the event. It seems there are more people on those sites then there are reading ads in newspapers and on bulletin boards in stores.
The more people that are brought in the more money nonprofit organizations can raise and save money. It would be best to include concert tickets, sporting event tickets, and gift cards, baskets full of various household items such as (beauty items, cooking mixes, kitchen utensils and candles), family vacations.
You might even consider doing a 50/50 raffle; meaning 50 percent of the proceeds go to the organization and the other 50 percent goes to the winner of the raffle.
That might pull more people in as well, because many people enjoy helping nonprofit organizations with funds more if they have prizes rather than a simple thank you letter. The prize acts as positive feedback for example if someone won a raffle and the prize was a flat screen TV you could say since I helped an organization and got this as my reward.
To make a raffle successful you have to have motivated volunteers. Volunteers should understand that it’s for a good cause. No raffle can be complete without the volunteers. The happier a volunteer is, the more productive they can be. Motivating them can be rewards or a simple thank you. Emphasize the importance of teamwork. Always praise and recognize accomplishments that a volunteer has made to make the raffle successful. Maybe a vacation getaway for the weekend for the top seller of the raffle tickets and the 2nd top seller will receive sporting event tickets or concert tickets.
The best way to maximize sales of tickets is to promote them at local stores or businesses on days they are most busy and have a booth set up so the community can see the nonprofit organization and the cause they support.
Maximizing sales for raffles can be challenging. Non-profit organizations should focus first on the people that are already prospects. It also helps to check around and see how much other organizations have sold their raffle tickets for and make a fair price for your tickets just to be sure that your prices are not higher than the other organizations prices.
If you follow the advice above your raffle is sure to be a hit and your non- profit organization will certainly thank you. Your organization fundraisers are likely to improve with more people coming and the profits for your organization improving each year.
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Contributed by Kelcy Lancaster