Everyone Loves a Raffle Fundraiser by Melia McDaniel

Everyone Loves a Raffle Fundraiser by Melia McDaniel


Non-profit organizations can derive a large benefit for their fundraising effort just by holding a raffle fundraiser.  Everyone loves a raffle fundraiser, especially when they have a chance at winning something for a smaller price than flat out buying that item in a store.  Non-profit organizations are always looking for better fundraising ideas that will bring a larger profit than the fundraiser before.  Since these organizations are non-profit, they only have so much money to begin with to put on their fundraisers.  This is where raffle tickets can play a large part in their benefits of fundraising.


Maximization of sales is going to be a major goal of the non-profit organization.  To achieve this, the organization will need to be very creative with where they set up a booth or advertise that they will be holding a raffle ticket fundraiser.  Instead of choosing predictable places to advertise, like grocery stores, the organization could think of their favorite restaurant or favorite park/playground and look into setting up a fundraising booth at those places.  They could also have a target audience, like children or elders, and really focus on appealing to those specific age groups.  The more friendly and fun a raffle looks, the more people will want to participate.


Prizes will be the next main focus of the non-profit organization.  Not only will placement and targeted audiences help their raffle ticket sales, but also the prizes will have a huge effect on who purchases and how many raffle tickets are purchased.  The prizes will need to be unique enough to where a contestant cannot go to the local grocery store and purchase this price, because that would defeat the image of a prize.  However, the prize also should not have such a large shelf value that raffle tickets will have to be expensive to make up for purchasing the prize.  Homemade, creative knick-knacks would be wonderful prizes.  Hand knitted items for babies, children, or adults may even the audience’s eye.  Home sewn quilts, blankets, or pillows would also be a big selling point.  Hand made items have more sentimental value and cannot be bought from a local store’s shelf.  The prizes would make great home decorations or even gifts for loved ones.


The last push for non-profit organization raffle ticket fundraisers would be motivating the volunteers to sell as many tickets as they can.  Now usually, volunteers for non-profit organizations are already motivated, for they are working on their own time with no pay for a cause they feel very strongly about.  However, it never hurts to reward those who give their time and effort selflessly.  The reward does not necessarily have to be monetary or a grand gesture, it just needs to fit the needs of the volunteers.  By having range of winners, volunteers will still try and increase sales, because they will have a larger chance of winning whatever prizes are available to them.  The prizes should not be the same as prizes awarded to raffle ticket winners, because that will take away some of the motivation to sell more tickets, which is the opposite of what the non-profit organization wants.  The prizes should be more personable, like a gift card to the winners’ favorite spots to eat, or a few of their favorite movies bought for them on DVD.  Something creative, but personable would really boost motivation to sell more raffle tickets.


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Contributed by Melia McDaniels