A Raffle Is an Effective Business Incentive by Debra Creditt

A Raffle Is an Effective Business Incentive by Debra Creditt


Television advertisements, radio commercials, fliers in newspapers as well as magazines, are all effective methods of promotion used by many businesses today.  Posters in windows, business cards, ads on vehicles, and informational packets at the time of purchase are a few other examples.  These many enticements can easily reach consumers and draw attention to a specified company or product.  But in terms of keeping the customers, a bit of extra attention and incentive goes a long way.  Not just coupons or some sort of discount, which are also effective, but something that benefits clients who are not interested in one's product at all.


I'm referring of course, to raffles.    Raffles are less costly in terms of the initial cost in comparison to an ad on a vehicle, and can be done in many different ways.  Raffles can be available to each customer, thereby allowing them to feel as though they have a chance to win a prize or something of value.  Raffles can have certain prizes that may or may not relate to the actual business itself; such as money back, discounts, winning a trip, or gift cards.  Just the idea of gaining something out of the ordinary just for using a product or business will bring consumers in.  The raffle tickets wouldn't need to be paid for per ticket, and consumers wouldn't need to purchase a bundle directly in order to get a prize.


Raffle tickets would be given away as a result of a customer buying, or using a product.  For example a retail company could raffle off specific large items their company is known for, but customers only receive a raffle ticket whenever they purchase an item in the store.  Or a consumer could find that the purchasing of a credit card at a retail store could find them with 3 extra raffle tickets to increase their chances of winning.  Another example would be using a raffle to give away coupons, so each winner can get a certain discount on a service being performed.  For businesses that sell a single product, or are more of a one-time service trade, having a raffle that can be used right then and there would be most beneficial.   This is where joining with other small businesses could come in handy in terms of raffle prizes, such as offering free advertisement to a small business if they pick out the winning ticket, or a coupon for lawn care or a car wash.


Over the long term raffles can be used for long term business projects, for companies, which use commission sales, or for businesses. Some examples being winning a discounted stay at a hotel for one's company during a meeting or conference, or receiving the chance for discounted parking, especially in areas where the volume is high.  These incentives may not be for everyone, but that is part of the fun.  Finding something that is geared specifically for one's desired client base, built on time and a relationship with that client will definitely guarantee some customer retention.  Clients will feel and come to think better of a business that offers incentives that one may not expect, but actually reach to something they desire.


I have received coupons for products that only the company offers that I am not interested in.  But I have also received certain awards that were related to an everyday situation that I was pleasantly surprised to receive.  A raffle may mean a company or customer does not always receive a prize, as with a coupon, but the lure will definitely make customers feel as though their service is wanted.  And the chance to have their life or business improved can be quite the motivator to continue using one's company.  The use of raffles is beneficial to the consumer and the seller, and can be used to broaden the reach and impact of one's company.


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Contributed by Debra Creditt