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Organizations Benefit From a Raffle Fundraiser

Why іѕ the rаfflе a simple, еffесtіvе, and роtеntіаllу рrоfіtаblе wау tо rаіѕе fundѕ for many different kinds of organizations?

“Imрасt a Lіfе” scholarship соntrіbutоr Mikal Blount dеtаіlѕ еxасtlу whу уоur organization ѕhоuld соnѕіdеr ѕеllіng rаfflе tісkеtѕ as a раrt оf your nеxt fundrаіѕеr.

Mikal attends Virginia Wesleyan College with a major in Communications. Great jоb Mikal, аnd best оf luсk wіth уоur ѕtudіеѕ!

“Impact a Life” Scholarship contributor:  Mikal Blount
Yоu саn hеlÑ€ Mikal Blount’s pursuit оf a scholarship award bу сlісkÑ–ng the “sharing Ñ–Ñ• саrÑ–ng” buttоnÑ• bеlоw.



All over the globe there are non-profit organizations whether they are church groups, civic groups, or youth sports organizations there are a variety of ways that these organizations can benefit their fundraising efforts. A good way to benefit is holding raffle drawings and give away things that will make people want to donate money to their organizations.

Whether the prize is tickets to a major sporting event or concert, designer clothing or even in some instances cars or trucks. Giving away big prizes will make people want to give their hard earned money to the organization. Currently I attend college at Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk, Virginia and there is always some type of fundraising going on campus whether it’s hosted by the varsity sports teams, fraternities, sororities or clubs students really love donating to these organizations.

In the beginning of the school year I went to a free car wash on campus that was hosted by our girl’s lacrosse team and they were also accepting donations so on that sunday afternoon after church I dropped by their car wash and had my 2009 Hyundai Sonata washed and they did a great job so I felt that they deserved a donation for their hard work so I gave them five bucks which was one of many donations they received that day.

In order for a club or organization to function it sometimes takes donations to help them accomplish any dreams and aspirations that they have whether it’s funding a trip they want to go on, or just even purchasing new equipment that they may need no matter how little your donation is it could actually help them a lot. Another way to get people interested in purchasing raffle tickets is put on fun events just like my campus does such as a game called spoon assassin in which you donated two dollars to play, halloween costume party in which you also donated two dollars to attend the proceeds from that event went towards the step team.

There is a club I’m involved in called the African Students Association and we raised money for our club by selling dashikis for a couple of weeks. There are a variety of reasons that people donate money whether out of generosity, getting a prize that they really want or attend an event that they want to go to. Raffle Tickets are ways that clubs and organizations work towards a specific goal that they have and people are willing to help them out if you are giving away things that people want they will give and donate money to get what they want whether it’s a raffle for a new car or tickets to a concert organizations will be making a lot of money in proceeds.

Whenever most people hear the word raffle ticket they think of playing the lottery whether it’s a million dollars or even a billion dollar powerball people love to purchase lottery tickets at their local convenience stores just to one day possibly get rich. But raffle tickets can also help donate to a very important cause.