Why Not Hold a Business Raffle?

A wise and distinguished fashion designer named Coco Chanel once said, “The best things in life are free. The second best things are very, very expensive.” When the CEO of a company or corporation creates a business, his intentions are to maximize profits and minimize spending. In order to do so, the business must be successful in augmenting customer loyalty through the method of amplifying customer satisfaction. The best way to improve consumer gratification is that the business must provide the customer with a remarkable experience that remains in the memory of the individual(s) serving the business. As most people in this “Land of Opportunity” work long and arduous hours to make a living, spending money in today’s economy might be difficult. This makes the life of a business owner more challenging as his company is built on the basis of earning money from customers.
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In order to find the best solution to this unfortunate situation, a company might contemplate implementing a raffle in their marketing efforts. With the concept of life giving lemons and the production of lemonade in the minds of many, it is aesthetically pleasing to know that for some small amount of money, there in lies the probability of expanding this investment and gaining a product worth more than the ticket that is purchased with. Each person has the confidence that they might have the “lucky winning ticket,” and even in the event that confidence is nonexistent the thought process of “it doesn’t hurt to try” will always cross the mind of the individual.

By implementing the raffle contest, companies will seem more personable to each customer as they are giving back to the people and providing the individual with an opportunity to win a valued prize. By promoting the concept of raffles, the corporation is able to create an emotional connection between the company and the consumers to increase the loyalty and influence of future purchase decisions. The customers experience an influx of positive emotions, which become connected to the company. This will result in the continuous efforts of the customer to give business to the company in order to constantly achieve that superior feeling of satisfaction. The happier that people are, the more money they are willing to spend to expand their happiness.

Raffles are not only a great benefit to the consumer, but they are also a phenomenal way to promote the business. With the satisfaction of the customers at a high, this will increase the marketing efforts of the business as each person enjoys spreading the experiences of his/her day to the people in his/her life. One will spread the word of the raffle in order to spread the joys of possibly winning a unique and tangible benefit. This will create an influx of business for the company, which is the greatest way to promote the development of the company. This further demonstrates the “Land of Opportunity” as this is an opportunistic way for both the consumer and corporation to be able to prosper.