Bump Up Your Business With Raffle Tickets by Christian Espinosa
Bump Up Your Business With Raffle Tickets by Christian Espinosa
In order for a business to further their profits as well as drive higher foot traffic with their loyal customers, they can use the ever-versatile gimmick of a raffle. In the business’s raffle, they could attract the attention of their customers by making them enter their name into a drawing for a product that can be very useful to the customer at their place of business. This could range from a new TV, tablet, computer, cell phone, etc. this will help drive sales since the customers that win these products through the raffle will be able to use the products before they actually purchase such a product at the store. This will also help drive for customer reviews on how a product works, quality of service, buy back plans, etc. On top of raffling off actually products in a business, gift cards can be used to attract attention as well.
I have learned that when working in retail, you must be able to attract the attention of customers by marketing off giveaways. One item that can be popularly raffled off is a gift card with a preset amount. This is important since raffling off a gift card to a customer for a business will encourage them and their friends to come in and purchase the products for the business which will help with furthering profits.
Gift cards will also help promote the business’s name through customer word of mouth because as the customer who wins a raffle purchases goods with the business, his or her experience will be relayed to others giving positive outlook on the business in question. In return, this means that those who were told about the business ill then come and shop at the establishment helping benefit the customers and the business. Other than locally advertising a raffle to customers, the business can also use social media and the internet to advertise a raffle to the public.
The internet is a versatile advertising tool since millions of people around the world log on to computers daily to use the internet. Advertising a raffle for a business will further push profitability and customer satisfaction.
What I have seen most businesses do is place ribbons on the side of social media sites in order to gain the attention of people in order for them to purchase their goods and services. If they use this same technique to advertise a drawing for a high ticket item, this will spark interest in the customers on the web since they will click on the online advertisement as they browse. Doing such will then require the customer to enter in the drawing as well as possibly increase sales and satisfaction through the use of e-commerce.
This is helpful to the customers and the business since the customer would no longer have to get in their car or means of transportation to travel to a place of business in order to purchase goods. They could simply go online; enter the raffle, and purchase goods or services without spending money on gas or travel. The business would also cut on the cost of man power since the customer would not have to deal with a “third man” at a local business. They could skip straight to purchase without the help of a sales representative. However, if the customer wanted extra feedback on a business’s products or services, they can simply go online and talk to a representative from that business in order to gain greater knowledge of the product they are purchasing. All of these amazing benefits for the business and customers can come from a simple ad for a raffle.
Most raffles can truly help the benefit for the customer as well as improve the general profitability for a local business. The business will then be able to take those profits and donate them to charity as well as help the cause for hiring more employees. Without raffles, the community in the outlying business would not be as helpful or giving ton the people. With the use of raffles, the community and local businesses will thrive tremendously through the help of advertising and, most importantly, the people.
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Contributed by Christian Espinosa