Raffle Tickets to Pump Up Your Business

Businesses need to get the employee’s and customer’s blood flowing again; have them get back to the groove of things because we all know that after a certain amount of time of consistency motivation to continue is loss. Although there is an easy way to retain your customers and employees, and to keep them motivated to come back to your business. Many businesses have a hard time with unmotivated or disheartened employees. Even worst are those stubborn or “cautious” customers, or how I like to call them: “ghost costumers” that just browse through (looking, touching, and/or moving things) but by the end of it all you didn’t make a sale. I’m positive that everyone has experienced this at one point in their lives, either you yourself in the act or someone you were observing. Well you’ll be happy to know that you could fix this all with an attention grabbing, semi-competitive, fun raffle that the whole business could be part of, or that sections of the business would have separately (depending on the size of the business). You may also incorporate this method with your customers! Classic example of killing two birds with one stone.

First off we will discuss the employees’ raffle. The raffle being done with the employees will be one that consists of multiple prizes. The reason the raffle must consist of multiple prizes is because, as with everything, the higher your chances the more you will be willing or happy to participate or try out. The prizes must be things people would want and should be around $200 or so, or else you’re not going to get that motivation/loyalty you want from your employees. The amount of prizes in the raffle would vary on the size of the business, but 4 or 5 prizes sounds like a good minimum. Now this is only the beginning but think about different $200 dollar things you want. Or if you’re thinking of giving what you win in the to a family member or a good friend, who wouldn’t be happy with something that costs around $200.

But the raffle as it is may not quiet enough. You must also consider the amount of times the raffle is done annually. When will be the best time in the year to do a raffle? Or maybe the raffle will be done more than once in a year. You should know that you would never go wrong with a Christmas raffle because people are looking for gifts to give to others or to reward themselves for a year well done. But other times of the year for a raffle would be around mother’s day, father’s day, Valentines day, or even summer raffles so that it’ll be like a family vacation prize. In the end the business is who decides when the raffle will be done.

You will also have to place a certain criteria to be met by the workers in order to allow them to participate in the raffle and that will make/keep business productive. So maybe there is a certain amount of sales done or amount hours they must work; these eligibility criteria shouldn’t be too simple nor too out of reach. This is a good motivation tactic because if the prizes are worth it or they are something employees (families) want, then why wouldn’t someone try to win something. Now with all these options for prizes in the raffle how aren’t the employees going to be motivated! They could do anything with the things they win in the raffle like keep it for them, give to a loved one, or even sell it.

Now as for the costumers’ raffle this will run a bit more differently just because different costumers will be filing in and out through out the day. The goal is to keep these customers and have them returning to do business with your business. The criteria of the raffle should only be put in place around the time of the raffle so it would be fair for all customers (frequent and non-frequent). After certain amount spent on the business’ goods or after a certain amount they return to the business to shop, the costumers will be able sign up for the raffle. After that certain amount is reached then the only way to reach more raffles is to double the amount, and triple, and etc.

The main prize(s) must be good and something that will really be used or that are really wanted (around $200), and after the main prize(s) are gone start giving away the couple of small prizes you have. This will motivate the costumers to do more shopping and/or keep returning to purchase some products and to have a better chance at the raffle’s prizes. Then as time goes by the word will spread about the business that has the raffle that occurs at these times of the year and they give terrific prizes. Keeps your current costumers and brings in new ones.

What is an easier way to receive those things than from a raffle that assures you get a great, expensive prize by just doing nearly the same thing you usually do working or shopping. Everyone wants to be treated to something and if that isn’t the case for this raffle then the other reason is having an easy way to get a gift for someone else either for a holiday or a birthday, etc. Business rises and it increases the loyalty of both the employee and customer because they know every cent (or hour) was worth the prizes.