Raffle Fundraising Ideas – Easy As 1-2-3

Are you looking for great fundraiser raffle ideas for your school club, student council or church youth group? Here are three unique and profitable ways you can turn your fundraising raffle idea into a big win for everyone!

Remember, picking the right prize for your raffle is the foundation of your potential success. Ideally, you want to get your prize donated, so put your effort into getting the best possible item(s) you can.

Score BIG, Expensive items:


Try to get one of these items by talking to family and friends of people in your group. Chances are, somebody you already know, has a business that can donate. A good rule of thumb is that the more expensive your prize is, the more you can charge for the raffle ticket and the longer amount of time you might need to sell tickets.

Gather A Collection Of Smaller, Less Expensive Items:

restaurant gift cards
movie gift cards
gift certificates for haircuts or other services
hotel packages

The advantage of taking this route is that many local business’s like to support local schools and clubs this way. It’s a great way for them to advertise and do good at the same time. Be sure to thank them publicly in your promotional materials. Once you see what your group was able to collect, create a grand prize package deal, and if you have enough, you can even do a second and third prize package. Raffle tickets may be less expensive, but try to sell volume.

Experiences Are Priceless:

You might also consider an experience. An experience is priceless, something money can’t buy.

For instance, I would pay a lot of money on raffle tickets if I could sit in the grand stands with my son’s high school band. And, I don’t mean next to the band, (I do that already), I mean, smack dab in the middle of the drum section. I want to be in the action.

Bonus Fundraising Raffle Ideas:

Being a Drum Major for a performance
Riding in the homecoming parade
Punting the football or throwing the opening pitch
Being the school mascot
If the mayor of your town is popular, why not see if he or she would be willing to host the winners for lunch at town hall
Have your group do a day of chores, yard work, or packing up someone’s house for moving

The Finishing Touches On Your Fundraising Raffle:

Make sure your tickets look professional and are numbered
Get lots of people to help sell
Ask a parent or close family friend first. It feels good to get a, “yes”, right away
Price your tickets to reflect the “value” of your grand prize
Sell more than one ticket to each person (maybe you can make a deal for three)
Check your state laws on raffles (someone in your group probably has a family member who is an attorney, or ask your teacher for help)
Handle your money carefully – remember, even though they are purchasing a ticket, they are supporting your cause. People will want to know how much you raised
Announce your winner so that your group has credibility for next year

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5005513